@slime_boyo Jade (GoopKid)🍀
Hi. I'm Jade or Mark. Whatever you prefer to call me. I like both. I hope we can get along. Down below is my favorite song also by my favorite band and some links that will tell you more about me.
Switch friend code: SW-6526-5398-8686
Discord: slime_boyo
Things I like: Mario




Action Shonen anime/manga like:Sonny Boy

Fullmetal Alchemist (brotherhood and 2003)

Mob Psycho 100

My Hero Academia

And romance manga/anime like:Shikimori's not just a cutie

Looking up to you

Saotome senshu hitakakusu

Words bubble up like soda pop

Luigi: He's been with me for 10 years now. And i don't to intend to stop loving him.

Nagara (Sonny Boy)
He embodies my entire philosophy of life in one character. I don't need to be perfect. I just need to try.

Deku {Izuku Midoriya} (My hero academia) Everything from his character design to his development is everything i love about him. And I relate to him hard.

Miyako Shikimori [right]
Yuu izumi [left]
(Shikimori's not just a cutie)
The real reason I like em so much is really embarrassing but they are probably my favorite couple in anime

In 2021 I met a girl named Eve online who changed my life. My life was so different back then and I had an extreme lack of self confidence and unresolved trauma. I didn't even take my problems seriously enough. When she was in my life though, she spent her time and treated all of my worries anxieties and trauma with the severity it deserved which was something I never experienced.Needless to say we fell in love and that short time we spent together had plenty of fond memories. One day she had to leave all of social media though. One of the last words she said before she left was "If I come back- nevermind, when I come back I will still love you I promise."These years have been a long journey but I don't think I should give up. Vanilla my bff had said "trust bro she'll be back before 2024." so I want to believe him.
Eve if you ever see this, thank you. I love you so much.Poem:
The intensity of your emotions are a spectacle for the human eye.
Your passion and fire they enflamed my life
No one knows how much pain and suffering you hid behind your smile
And yet that's why we see your grin for miles and miles
Divine intervention made you lose so much
Countless things drifted away from your touch
I never once thought to ask why I was so sad
You had lost so much more than I, enough to make one go mad. How you pulled through beats me even in the complex scape of my mind
And yet throughout our time together, It was almost like the blind leading the blind.
Thank you Eve